IndependenceFirst Annual Reports
In addition to photographing management and staff, I was given a name and address plus a little background on persons who are IndyFirst clients. I'd visit them at home or their place of employment, photograph them, and then interview the individual and their caregiver (if available) so I could write a narrative about their experience with IndependenceFirst to accompany the photo..

Radio Ads
Scripts and production, working regularly with Steve Comeau at Splice Media.

Hill Has Eyes Vlogs
Weekly video blogs promoting the Hill Has Eyes Haunt.

Rock'n Food Truck Rally Videos
Short videos showing the fun at food truck events at The Rock.

2016 Warrior Dash Photography
A muddy event at The Rock.

Milwaukee Running Festival Videos
Short, one-minute videos promoting the 2016 Milwaukee Running Festival.

TV Commercials
These are spots I either scripted in full or helped produce.